List of Ely and nearby businesses, stores,  shopping, dining, restaurants, bars, taverns, lounges, local services.

252 Listings
More Added Each Week
Welcome to Shop In Ely
As of 9/2/22 
We changed the hosting company
and changed the name.
has changed to
Because The hosting was not reliable.
The costs made it hard to offer a listing at only $1.00.
Also, We wanted "shopinely"
But only "shopinelymn" was 
available in 2021.
A few dozen listings from
shopinelymn have been
deleted, due to unpaid accounts.
We hope you find 
this new site useful.
All listings in red are linked to
their respective sites. 

From 9.20.2021

How did this site come to be? Well, have you ever tried to use a search engine to find local things such as home services, retail items, a place to eat or drink? If you live here, you most likely know who to call, where to go or have referrals from friends. 

The tourists & visitors don't have a clue. You can Google what you're looking for (literally anything in Ely) and find a list. The only problem is you'll find 10-20 different lists with a few listings each! Even typing in "Ely, MN", it's a joke. The 1st 2 sites listed are run by The Chamber of Commerce, and if you're not a member...You don't exist!

The 3rd site is GREAT...All the important city services info you need to know. The next one has listings for: Chainsaw Sisters, Happy Wanderer, Jugoslav National Home Club, Moose Lodge, Pizza Hut & The Portage Bar.....Not useful information, when they're all closed! 

This new site is for Locals & Visitors alike. 

With your suggestions, 

we want to have 


Let us know what we've missed.

Is your business listed here?

Would you like it listed here?

Contact us here with your information.

Please check back frequently for updates.


Shopping in Ely

52 Listings
21 Linked


Local services in Ely

150 Listings
62 Linked


Dining and drinking in Ely

48 Listings
10 Linked

Dining & Drinking

© 9-20-2021-2023 ShopInEly All rights reserved